Thursday, January 26, 2017

Time away...

Hi y'all! I know, it's been awhile. Sorry about that. I love how busy we are with life here but don't love that I don't make the time to check in every week like I wanted to!

Recently we (the Schulz clan) were able to get out of the city for awhile and enjoy some much needed R and R and some beach time! At Christmas time we were blessed with a special gift of money from one of our supporting churches so we were able to spend this much needed time together at a resort about an hour away. We were able to refocus as a family on why God brought us here all the while enjoying God's beautiful creation on this side of the world. This was the first time we were able to enjoy the beach since arriving here in September. Of coarse, as we were planning to go away, a typhoon was scheduled to hit Cebu. We have had those threats before but they always seemed to have missed us. No such luck this time. It hit us head on. It's okay though, we were able to enjoy the beach and the time together despite a little (or A LOT) of rain :)

 Here are a few of our adventures through pictures. Enjoy!! Love you all!

I think the weather report is right. It rained heavy most of the 3 days we were away.

Shell hunting during a small break in the rain.

We found more then shells!! 

Raining gain, trying to stay dry!

It took us both awhile to touch the starfish, Mady was still a little hesitant at this point but warmed right up to it during the week! 

Our view from our room.

Carter and his puffer fish he caught.

Mady figuring out the whole snorkeling thing.

The underwater world has some pretty amazing creatures in it!

Carter looking for living things during low tide :)

Relaxing in the SUN! It finally came out on our last day. We were so grateful for that blessing!

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Four Months in...

It is hard to believe that we have been in Cebu for four months. In many ways, it seems like yesterday  that we arrived. There are still so many new experiences, challenges, and relationships being presented and revealed to us. The past year has been such a whirlwind, it was about this time in 2016 when we initially inquired about the possibility of serving at Children's Shelter of Cebu (have you checked out the new website? Click HERE). We are now here and well immersed in the life and ministry we have been called to at this time in our lives. We are still adjusting and navigating the differences in living in this new world we find ourselves in.

We are so blessed and humbled by the support and encouragement of those who sent us here. We have already had visitors from First Baptist Church in Sturgeon Bay over Christmas and that is so uplifting and encouraging to us. We are looking forward to others that have already committed to coming for a visit this year, we can't descibe the encouragement this is to us. The visitors coming to help CSC has been another enjoyment of ours, we genuinely enjoy meeting the folks that come for various reasons to use their talents and fill gaps in often unexpected ways. Pam and I have been encouraged by the visitors and new acquaintances and have had some really great conversations with the many whom we have been able to visit with during our time here.

Visitors in 2016

I can't write without pointing out our "Support Thermometer" has finally been updated (on the right side of the "web" version, if your are reading this on your "mobile" device). We have just reached the 90% funded mark "PTL" (Praise The Lord, I write it out, because I just found out what it means)!! We look forward to what this year will bring with the commitments that have been made and the new ones that will be made. It is only by God's grace we are here and the faithful and generous support of churches and individuals that have made our presence here possible. We are routinely humbled and have run out of ways to say, "thank you" to our supporters that continue to amaze us. God is working in amazing ways here, and it is no wonder, you have helped make our time here possible.

Support Thermometer

We look forward to what 2017 brings for the Schulz Family in Cebu. We know it will be riddled with new challenges, new acquaintances, goodbyes (children leaving the shelter), hellos (new residents at the shelter), and many more memories. We look forward to all of these realities with eager anticipation. Wishing you all the best in 2017! God bless!!


New Arrival - 2016 (both :))
City View - Squatter Area on the Right - Our kids come from here!
Enjoying these two ladies - The one on the left leaves soon in 2017

Supplies the CSC kids bought with their allowance to bless a family over Christmas.
The Family that received the building supplies (pictured above) lives in a squatter area near the dump.