We have officially started our 2nd year of home school. We are actually 2 weeks in already! We decided a 4 day work week might work better for us then a 5 day work week so the days are a little longer and the school year is a little longer, but we are okay with that. The kids love having the extra "weekend" day and I love having the flexibility of a floating day during the week. We have built in some holiday time as well as some "snow days" for those days that come up out of the blue. We want to remain flexible with our school schedule but at the same time I am a list following, calendar abiding, schedule keeping kind of personality so it helps to have that floating day for when things come up unexpectedly at the shelter that we want to be a part of and I can still feel like I am keeping a "schedule". So far it has been smooth sailing. The kids really like to home school and I really love to teach them. It is my favorite thing to see their "light bulbs" go off when they finally understand that frustrating math problem (Carter got a 100% on his first Math test of his 6th grade year! We all got to celebrate that with him a little more then we might have if we weren't learning along side him!!). I love seeing their interests peak when we research a new animal or a new place. I am glad for this season of home school. I am not sure if we will sustain it once we get back to the states, but one can never tell. It seems that whenever we start making plans, the Lord decides to change them sometimes anyway :) So for now, we are just going to sit back and enjoy the ride!!
First Day of School 7-24-17
Independent Work Time, so quiet!
Enjoying library time at the Children of Hope School
I love how the kids still get snow days in Cebu :)